Thermal energy loss is one of the largest drains and expenses in a California building owner’s budget. Retrofitting a commercial metal structure with new or additional insulation can drastically reduce overall energy costs, resulting in a multitude of savings for building owners over a lifetime.
Our team of experienced professionals can assist California metal building owners in choosing appropriate fiber glass blanket sizes, facing materials (polypropylene or black or white vinyl available in a variety of different strengths) and tabs (the extension of the vinyl facing past the fiber glass blanket which, in retro-fit, is typically 3” on each side).
California (CA) residents should note that all commercial structures erected in the state must adhere to the energy codes stipulated by theThe 2016 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, comprising Title 24, Parts 1 and 6, of the California Code of Regulations, is mandatory statewide. Local government agencies may adopt and enforce energy efficiency standards for newly constructed buildings, additions, alterations, and repairs provided the California Energy Commission finds that the standards will require buildings to consume no more energy than permitted by Title 24, Part 6. Such local standards may include adopting the requirements of Title 24, Part 6 before their effective date, requiring additional energy conservation measures, or setting stricter energy budgets.
Whether you’re in need of a new metal building insulation system or vinyl insulation retrofit; Steel Building Insulation has something to fit your needs, and our experienced, knowledgeable sales staff can assist you in finding the combination of products that is not only right for you, but in compliance with all California state energy standards. Call 1-800-486-8415 for more information.