Why Is COMcheck So Important?

What Is COMcheck? COMcheck is a widely-used energy compliance software tool that has been developed by the United States Department of Energy. It is maintained and updated regularly to ensure the most accurate information is available to the public. The codes used in COMcheck are based off of the national commercial energy codes set by IECC and ASHRAE Standards for each particular climate zone.
This software tool is designed to help architects, builders, designers, and contractors determine whether new buildings, additions, and alterations meet national and state-specific energy codes. Building officials, plan checkers, and inspectors use COMcheck to determine if a building meets the code requirements for their specific region.
COMcheck is accepted statewide in most U.S. states, but it is always best to check availability for your state or region. There are two ways to use COMcheck: a desktop download and a website, both of which save your projects electronically. The website version allows you to create a login and password for your profile. The web version also allows you to include designers and create a cohesive compliance report with their documents. COMcheck also provides technical support, including insights about how different components are calculated, national codes, or implementation/assembly information.
What is the COMcheck Process?
Once you’ve decided which version of COMcheck you’d like to use, enter your project information and your applicable building components. It will show you the list of requirements for the project so you can validate whether they will be met. You can save and print your projects for your records.
The Benefits of Adhering to Energy Codes
Compliance is mandatory, there’s no getting around that, but there are additional benefits to meeting energy code standards. Compliance to energy codes is financially beneficial from energy cost savings alone (before factoring in environmental benefits and the value of the structure).
Making sure that your building adheres to codes can reduce your energy costs. Energy efficient buildings are less taxing on a heating/cooling system. According to The Department of Energy, building codes govern an estimated 80% of a building’s energy load. Compliance is an effective step to keep your energy requirements reasonable. By the DOE’s estimate, home and business owners in The U.S. will save $126 billion over the next two decades thanks to energy code requirements. Efficient materials, such as metal building insulation systems can have tangible financial benefits when it comes to compliance.
Accuracy is crucial when using COMcheck, because if the building’s dimensions are different from those in the report, the installation may have to be redone. For metal building construction professionals, COMcheck is a very useful tool. For specific materials, such as steel building insulation, there are dedicated professionals who can walk you through COMcheck’s code requirements to reduce your energy costs and save you money.

To Use COMcheck Compliance Software please visit: Energycodes.gov
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